On 30/03/11 15:58, Jan de Groot wrote:

The threat here is that your ISP will log every page visit you do and
also has the ability to block certain websites.

The only thing you can do is setting up a tunnel or using a different
proxyserver that you trust.

Doesn't every ISP keeps logs of what sites its customers are visiting for a certain amount of time ?

Can you give me some pointers where I can find more information about setting up tunnel ?

On 30/03/11 16:02, Simon Perry wrote:
I give up trying to understand this.

Initially you were complaining about port 80 being open on your host, you gave us a list of open ports - not an nmap of another host.

So now a transparent proxy is the concern?

initially I wanted to know why port 80 is shown open on my machine and i gave the lsof output to show that no service was listening to port 80 on my machine. The nmap output of the ip - that is my public ip at the moment ( got that by visiting whatismyip.com) shows port 80 as open when it should be blocked according to my iptables configuration.

Basically i was afraid some rootkit/malware was running web server on my machine by making it invisible !

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