Sergej Pupykin <> wrote:
> Hello,
> what about creating mailing list with all flyspray notifications?
> I think it can take off some load from bug wrangler person and may be 
> usefull for Arch users.

Maybe something like this would help assign bug reports quicker?
FWIW i am in favour of such a mailing list too. I prefer it over the RSS
feeds. Some concerns though may be whether there would be one list for
all projects, or seperate ones. Alternatively can mails be tagged in
order to be filtered more easily per project? Or maybe the only list
would be for Arch Linux? The other projects are fairly small and usually
the maintainer/developer gets notified upon the entry addition.
The bug wrangler position AFAIK is valid only for project Arch Linux,
not all the other projects. At least thats how it used to be.
Additionally, how easy is this to implement?


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