On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 6:17 PM, Jesse Juhani Jaara
<jesse.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ti, 2011-03-08 kello 18:39 -0500, Thomas Misilo kirjoitti:
>> Good Evening,
>> I was trying to use a custom mirror during an install today, it is only a 
>> HTTP server currently. Is this a problem, does it need to be ftp? As the 
>> mirror does work with pacman after install.
>> Thanks!
>> Tom
> There are no limitations on the protocol used, as long as the program
> used for the downloading supports it.
> By default atleas ftp, http and local repositories are supported.

and btw ... if your talking about a full blown local mirror (where you
sync packages daily or whatever), _DON'T_ follow the relevant article
in the wiki --  that script breaks symlinks to the pool directory
(shared packages across architecture) and you will end up downloading
nearly 2x what you should (almost ~45GB IIRC for just the main
repos!!) because `*.any.tar.xz` packages, and possibly others, will be

i found this out the hard way by not testing well enough before
initiating the first sync.  i was able to write a script and repair
it, but a word of caution at least.  i've been meaning to update the
wiki with my own scriptfoo that actually works pretty nice but i
forgot about it until, well, just now :-)

C Anthony

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