On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:08 AM, Madhurya Kakati <mkakati2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Got hold of a cheap laptop. I want to use it as my download rig. It
> will be on most of the time downloading torrents.
> The laptop actually came with Windows XP installed. I setup the laptop
> ip as and my desktop (running Windows 7) ip as
> After doing that I connected both of them using a lan
> wire. I then enable sharing on both of them and I could transfer files
> directly from one computer to the other at speeds of upto 75MBps. I
> want to know how to do the same with archlinux or Windows 7 running on
> my desktop and archlinux running on the desktop. Please tell me how to
> do that. I want to be able to tranfer downloaded content directly from
> the laptop to the desktop using a lan cable.
> Thanks.

For my two cents, if you're not running Gnome or KDE, and want an
easy(ish) way to set up samba, check out the webmin package.  I have
installed webmin countless times for the express purpose of setting up
samba shares, and it works great.  Much quicker than editing smb.conf
and tweaking smbusers and smbpasswd.

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