On 5 March 2011 06:15, fredbezies <fredbezies at gmail.com> wrote:


I'm facing bug 22690 and /var/log/everything.log get spammed every 5

Any tricks to stop this spam ? Or do I have to wait to see it get fixed ?

Thanks for your info and tips.

Have a good day.

Frederic Bezies
fredbezies at gmail.com

Have you tried changing the conf of syslog-ng? The conf declares
sources, files and just bind them together. Should be easy to do what
you are looking for.


As a workaround : I disabled everything.log file writing. At least, until bug 22690 is fixed, it won't spam anymore everything.log.

A dirty workaround, but a workaround at least !

Frederic Bezies - fredbez...@gmail.com
Weblog : http://frederic.bezies.free.fr/blog/

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