On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 06:25, Thomas S Hatch <thatc...@gmail.com> wrote: [...] > Heh, I like OCaml, but I chose Python for a few reasons, one was so that > more people could hack on it, I want it to be very modular, so for instance > it will be possible to make a variety of modules to watch different SCM > managers, and it wil be possible to write builder daemons in any language. > This will make it easy for me to port the system to a faster language if we > see the need. > > Also, python's libs are much more mature, and while I like OCaml a lot, I > have written hundreds of thousands of lines of production python, and far > less OCaml. > > I have a few mechanisms to make for package feeding, so for instance, it > will watch scm repos for changes and build PKGBUILDs found therein, but I > also plan to make an interface that can be used to just feed it source > packages. So I will ask for some people to send it source packages to test > once I get it going. > > Also, I will be asking people to try and break it with PKGBUILDS as well, to > see if PKGBUILDS can be made that can break out of the build root etc.
All very good reasons indeed :-) /M -- Magnus Therning OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 email: mag...@therning.org jabber: mag...@therning.org twitter: magthe http://therning.org/magnus