On 02/16/2011 03:01 PM, David Rosenstrauch wrote: > On 02/16/2011 12:32 PM, David C. Rankin wrote: >> Guys, >> >> It works! After building kdebase (and fighting with other modules), I just >> decided to start trinity and see if it would work. > > Nice job, David! Kudos on sticking with it. Sounds like it was a rather hard > slog. It must feel nice to have finally achieved this! > > DR >
Amen Brother, For somebody that does it all the time, it probably wasn't that hard, but for me, it was like 'drinking from a fire hydrant' trying to learn pkgbuilds and CMake at the same time (neither or which I am even close to being completely comfortable with -- but I can at least recognize both now :) The gcc issue was interesting and the Trinity code will now be gcc >= 4.5 compliant. The basic Trinity desktop works very well. I just added startkde to ~/.xinitrc, typed startx in virtualbox and the desktop appeared, networking, web browsing, kate, kwrite, file management, kcontol -- all worked. Pretty neat stuff.. New PKGBUILDs for trinity-kdevelop and trinity-kdewebdev have been completed and added to the wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Trinity I've also included a status of what is currently ported to CMake and what still needs to be done. My next task will be PKGBUILDs for the applications that have already been ported to CMake: 20:18 archangel:~/arch/trinity> find applications/ -maxdepth 2 -name CMakeLists.txt applications/kgtk-qt3/CMakeLists.txt applications/kpilot/CMakeLists.txt applications/kbfx/CMakeLists.txt applications/kde-systemsettings/CMakeLists.txt applications/gtk-qt-engine/CMakeLists.txt applications/knemo/CMakeLists.txt applications/kpowersave/CMakeLists.txt applications/kde-style-qtcurve/CMakeLists.txt applications/kdesvn/CMakeLists.txt applications/rosegarden/CMakeLists.txt applications/amarok/CMakeLists.txt These shouldn't be near as bad as kdelibs and kdebase ;-) -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.