On 6 February 2011 00:58, Ray Rashif <sc...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> On 5 February 2011 21:23, Bernardo Barros <bernardobarr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> How to have access and change PKGBUILD variables? Is there
>> command-line tools for this kind of job, so one could easily check,
>> for example, the version number, change it and update the checksum?
> There is no such prepackaged tool, because we assume these are trivial
> tasks which I'm sure you can chalk up yourself, for eg.:
> #!/bin/bash
> find /var/abs -name $1 -exec grep ^pkgver=[a-zA-Z0-9].* {}/PKGBUILD \;
> | sed 's/pkgver=//'
> To check.
> find /var/abs -name $1 -exec sed 's/^pkgver=.*/pkgver=3.4/' -i {}/PKGBUILD \;
> To change.

Of course, you have to do some copying from /var/abs and not just edit
directly like that.

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