On 01/31/2011 10:05 AM, Gaetan Bisson wrote:
[2011-01-31 08:40:37 +0100] Seblu:
Hello, I dug up this old thread to know if someone find a suitable
solution to use slim (or startx) + window manager working correctly
with consolekit>  0.4.1 ?

I made a new package for i686 (after Ionut/Foutrelis suggested a session
pam_ck_connector.so line to be added to slim.pam) which hopefully fixes
this. Then my build system for x86_64 got broken and I haven't had time
to repair it yet.

If you run i686, please let me know if this package solves your issues:


Or you can compile your own package from source:


I think the proper solution would be pam.d/slim to include pam.d/login. I don't know the right syntax but this one should avoid loading two times pam_ck_connector.so

pam.d/slim has all the modules that pam.d/login has.

Proper testing is required.


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