On 30/01/2011 08:58, arch-general-requ...@archlinux.org wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Cannot install grub2 update from testing repo. (fredbezies)
2. Re: Cannot install grub2 update from testing repo. (Allan McRae)
3. Re: New GRUB2 packages - any comments ? (Kirill Churin)
4. [signoff] kernel26-2.6.37-5 (Tobias Powalowski)
5. Re: [signoff] kernel26-2.6.37-5 (Sergey Manucharian)
6. Re: wiki page for Building Trinity on Arch - You want it here
or on the trinity site? (David C. Rankin)
7. Re: wiki page for Building Trinity on Arch - You want it here
or on the trinity site? (Thomas Dziedzic)
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 08:30:04 +0100
From: fredbezies<fredbez...@gmail.com>
To: arch-general@archlinux.org
Subject: [arch-general] Cannot install grub2 update from testing repo.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
I cannot install this update.
I have this version of grub2 installed :
[fred@fredo-arch-xfce ~]$ pacman -Qi grub2
Nom : grub2
Version : 1.98-5
And when I try a pacman -Syu, here is the error message I get :
[fred@fredo-arch-xfce ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronisation des bases de donn?es de paquets...
testing est ? jour;
core est ? jour;
extra est ? jour;
community-testing 12,0K 146,3K/s 00:00:00 [######################]
community 419,9K 921,9K/s 00:00:00 [######################]
:: D?but de la mise ? jour compl?te du syst?me...
:: Remplacer grub2 par testing/grub2-bios ? [O/n] o
R?solution des d?pendances...
Recherche des conflits possibles entre paquets...
Erreur: un conflit de paquets impossible ? r?soudre a ?t? d?tect?
Erreur: la pr?paration de la transaction a ?chou? (conflit de d?pendances)
:: grub2-common et grub2-bios sont en conflit (grub2)
In english : grub2-common and grub2-bios are conflicting.
Indeed. I reported this issue and it is fixed now.
Frederic Bezies - fredbez...@gmail.com
Weblog : http://frederic.bezies.free.fr/blog/