Hi again,

it seems to work now, but I had to put "/dev/mapper/raid-home" in the
fstab, instead of "/dev/raid/home". I guess its time to ask for the
difference between those both, because I never really got it.

My guess would be that the first one comes from device mapper, while the
second one is being spawned by lvm. Interestingly enough my /etc/fstab
contains some entries like this:

/dev/lvm/var    /var    ext4    defaults,noatime,discard
/dev/lvm/root   /       ext4    defaults,noatime,discard

While /dev/lvm/root gets really mounted, its getting /dev/mapper/lvm-var
which gets mounted for /var, seems quite odd for me?

Can anyone elaborate on this?

Best regards,
Karol Babioch

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