On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:02 PM, David C. Rankin < drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/28/2011 02:57 AM, Kirill Churin wrote: > >> See how this is handled e.g. in this PKGBGUILD: >> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mesa-git/mesa-git/PKGBUILD >> >> > Thank you Kirill! > > So it looks like I need to backup one (or two) directories and do the > PKGBUILD higher up in the svn tree rather than on a 'per module' basis. Is > there a general rule of thumb to figure out where to put it? Take for > example the svn tree: > > applications > abakus > adept > amarok > basket > <snip> > dependencies > arts > tqtinterface > kdeaccessibility > kdeaddons > kdeadmin > <snip> > > looking at mesa, they do the PKGBUILD at the top, build everything, then > 'package' the various pieces (modules) individually. What is the thought > process for determining whether you put one PKGBUILD at the top and do it > like mesa or whether you put one PKGBUID in each major module and build from > there? Example: > > applications > PKGBUILD > dependencies > PKGBUILD > kdeaccessibility > PKGBUILD > <snip> > > Is it just a 'whatever makes the PKGBUILD' setup work best? Or are there > some fast and hard rules like a 'one subdirectory limit' that I need to > know? > > Thanks Again. > > -- > David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. > Why don't you look how do KDE packages currently handled in Arch? I think you can apply it's basic principles to your Trinity packages as well. E.g. http://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/kde-meta/trunk/PKGBUILD and it's deps… <http://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/kde-meta/trunk/PKGBUILD> -- Kirill Churin Jabber: reflex...@reflexing.ru, ICQ: 8163230, Skype on demand.