On Sat, 2011-01-22 at 06:23 -0500, hare_krsna_hare_krsna_krsna_krsna_hare_hare_hare_rama_hare_rama_rama_rama_hare_h...@lavabit.com wrote: > > Can someone stop him from spamming our inboxes ? > > Meeku: "our" means the whole mailing list. You should have used the > word > "my" and if you are a closet racist by condemning me from > participating on > this open mailing list then it does not do Arch Linux's reputation any > good. > Up to this point this thread has been ignore-able, but what sort of nonsense is this? Accusations of racism simply because your spam is being identified as such?
What 'spam' is is decided by the recipients. I personally think this whole thread is spam. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this list in thinking that.