On 01/15/2011 03:04 AM, Evangelos Foutras wrote:
> I believe you're seeing https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/21388.
> It has been fixed upstream, but a new ghostscript release hasn't been
> made and the fixes haven't been applied to Arch's package yet.

Thanks Evangelos.

        I think you nailed it. Looks like what I'm seeing was FS#21524 which is 
in the bug you referenced. I added a note on what I'm seeing with the HP
Laserjet driver there. Thanks.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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