> Hi,
> I'm concerned about this line:
> Am 10.01.2011 09:44, schrieb Ty John (sand_man):
> > ata2.00: failed command: IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE
> Either your device is not behaving normally, or there is something weird
> going on. Have you the latest firmware on your drive? Is the problem
> gone, when you disattach the drive?
> Best regards,
> Karol Babioch
> -------------- next part --------------
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Sorry I lost the original email. I just pasted this from the mailman archive.
Anyway, I just updated the firmware and it made no difference.
Windows 7 boots very fast not that it means much since it probably doesn't do 
the same checks that Arch does. Like I said, the drive seems to work fine. I am 
able to read, write and blank discs with no issues.
The udev slowness does not occur when it is unplugged.
When I googled "IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE" I found that it is sg_sat_identify that 
is being called.

[ty@donna ~]$ sudo sg_sat_identify /dev/sr0 -vv
open /dev/sr0 with flags=0x802
    ATA pass through (16) cdb: 85 08 0e 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ec 00 
ATA pass through (16): transport error: Driver_status=0x0e [invalid, SUGGEST_OK]

ATA pass through (16) failed

Basically, I'm out of ideas. Please tell me the drive is not faulty :(

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