On Thursday 13 January 2011 22:39:30 Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
> > > Is this really the right thing to do? Should that .desktop file be in
> > > the package or should it be up to the user to decide whether or not to
> > > load the GTK client?
> > 
> > There is a wicd-nogtk in the AUR,
> > http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=40430 which is probably the
> > easiest solution, I swapped over with no probems, all configs and such
> > are the same.

Thanks for the pointer Meyithi. I hadn't seen that.

> FWIW, on Gnome that directory seems ignored (at least wicd-gtk doesn't
> start up here). Pretty much par for the course for XDG complaince,
> then....


Strange. Okay, but my reckoning is that there shouldn't be a .desktop file 
which forces users to run the GTK client in there anyway. Will file a bug.


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