Ray Rashif <sc...@archlinux.org> writes:

> On 9 January 2011 22:47, Andrea Crotti <andrea.crott...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jelle van der Waa <je...@vdwaa.nl> writes:
>>> Then there might be a bug in the rc.d script, did you check out what it
>>> does?
>> Well the rc.d is correct actually, the problem is that with
>> "killall motion" motion doesn't quit, so the rc.d script
>>    [ ! -z "$PID" ]  && kill $PID &> /dev/null
>> of course doesn't work either.
>> So I guess it's more a problem of motion...
> Could you backup the script, remove the null redirects, and then restart it?
That's really funny, I removed the redirect, tried again and it worked.
I added the redirect again and still it works...

Weird, since it never worked unless I used kill -9 before...

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