Le 31 déc. 2010 15:43, "Bernardo Barros" <bernardobarr...@gmail.com> a écrit : > > Hello everyone! > > I set up a repository based on a modified version of ArchAudio, with > some of my stuff and lots of PKGBUILDs from AUR's contributors. Hope > this helps to update and maintain ArchAudio alive and updated. Just > source for now, no binaries. > It is a hg repo, so it can also be hosted inBitBucket and Google > Code, and can be easily forked, hacked and pushed back. > The contribution work can be much easier this way, I think. > The initial idea is not _necessarily_ to replace ArchAudio repo > binaries, but set up a pool for development of the most updated and > new in terms of professional audio packages for ArchLinux. > > https://bitbucket.org/smoge/archstudio > > Happy New Year! > Bernardo
Great news! Thanks for your work.