On Wednesday 22 of December 2010 16:51:23 Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 December 2010 15:35:38 Marek Otahal wrote:
> > Well, I managed to get it running:
> > install mysql (& the rest) from extra, run mysql_upgrade (ok), restart
> > mysqld, install from testing, now mysqld restart works, but on
> > mysql_upgrade i get :
> Hi, did you set some password? If so, try with mysql_upgrade -p.
> (and with mysql running)
Thanks Andrea, it was the password. Now running all fine.
I had to use this link to reset the passwd : 

--just note: the file with sql command to change pwd must be chmod a+r 'd and 
placed to an accessible folder if done under root and run as --user=mysql. I 
also had to rm some log files since size did not fit and it died with error. 
After this I could run mysql_upgrade -p , restart mysqld and now everything 
plays nice.

Thanks everyone and merry Christmas :o)


Marek Otahal :o)

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