On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 9:56 PM, Kaiting Chen <kaitocr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 2:44 PM, C Anthony Risinger <anth...@extof.me>wrote:
>> ) JS is completely unstructured.  powerful, but causes developers to
>> implement many things that would be a part of the core syntax in other
>> langs
>> ) the ^^^^ causes many different impls of the same, and new devs to
>> misuse the really great things about JS, like first-class closures.
>> leads to absolutely obtuse and horrendous looking libraries, with
>> weird semantics for its usage, like passing objects to emulate named
>> arguments, and a hundred other more prudent examples.
>> ) umpteen number of naunces between browsers, browser versions, and
>> half-eaten standards.
>> yes, JS has some decent libraries, and widget sets (don't say extjs).
>> but pyjamas can be ran as a 100% python desktop app too.
> I see. One more question, what's wrong with ExtJS? It's my favorite
> Javascript library of all time. --Kaiting.
You reminded me of a comment on reddit:

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