On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 19:47 -0200, Armando M. Baratti wrote:
> It works because the patents are granted perpetually to OIN members
> that 
> have jointed before the closing date, even in the case of a sell
> (like 
> occurred in this case).

If Microsoft wants to get you, they will do so anyways, OIN member or
not. OIN does not have a patent license for ALL patents that are being
sold, and even if they had them, Microsoft has several other trivial
patents like the ones on VFAT that can be used to sue everybody.
Newsflash: they don't.
Remember Google getting sued by Oracle? Both are OIN members, it's just
a fact that not all patents owned by Oracle are shared with OIN, so
Oracle is free to sue any OIN-member that uses those patents without a

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