On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 11:18:20AM -0200, Armando M. Baratti wrote:
> Em 08-12-2010 09:57, Heiko Baums escreveu:
> >Am Tue, 7 Dec 2010 23:25:06 -0500
> >schrieb Loui Chang<louipc....@gmail.com>:
> >
> >So those packages are affected:
> >e2fsprogs
> >reiserfsprogs
> >btrfs-progs(-unstable)
> >nilfs-utils
> >jfsutils
> >xfsprogs
> >nfs-utils
> >
>                               package                 files
>                               ===============         =====
> e2fsprogs                     already in core
> reiserfsprogs                 already in core
> btrfs-progs(-unstable)                124 KB                    1 MB
> nilfs-utils                    79 KB                  336 KB
> jfsutils                      already in core
> xfsprogs                      already in core
> nfs-utils                     already in core
> Armando

I highly doubt that this was _ever_ a question of size in the repos.
More likely, It's a matter of time vs. gain for a small number of
volunteers. If you're a user who knows that they want a particular
exotic filesystem that isn't widely used, you the user, on this very
day, have the following exciting options including but not limited to:

1) dont use AIF. not to sleight Dieter, but there's more ways to install
Arch than just by using AIF.
2) format and mount the partitions yourself, convince AIF that this has
been done, and continue installing as you like, with AIF. I've done
this before with btrfs, as have others.
3) use Archboot, which supports a wider range of packages.

Being the capable and intelligent user who clearly has sufficient reason
for wanting such a thing, I'm sure you can think of other ways to
accomplish your goal.


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