I've seen that.
But I did not seen anything about using a specific output of the card.
as I only have one detected device, how can I set HDMI as default output?
(or: how can I see my graphic card as a audio device too?)
Is it that 'bindings' keyword, that's not explained on the wiki?

2010/12/3 Cédric Girard <girard.ced...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 12:06 AM, Samuel Martín Moro <faus...@gmail.com
> >wrote:
> >
> > What can I do?
> > Setting HDMI as default (only) output? How to do so?
> >  Wait for a patch? Is it a kernel-related bug? Or with nvidia driver?
> > Would that even fix the banshee/browser troubles accessing device?
> >
> >
> You can control Alsa routing with the asoundrc [1] config file.
> [1] http://alsa.opensrc.org/.asoundrc
> --
> Cédric Girard

Samuel Martín Moro
{EPITECH.} tek5
CamTrace S.A.S
  (+033) 1 41 38 37 60
  1 Allée de la Venelle
  92150 Suresnes

"Nobody wants to say how this works.
  Maybe nobody knows ..."

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