On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:36 PM, David C. Rankin
<drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
> Guys,
>        I've played with an idea to save time with updates and duplicate (old 
> version)
> removal from /var/cache/pacman/pkg for all arch boxes on a local network. I
> thought I would pass along the idea and the scripts as they exist now.

I'm not criticizing your solution by any means, but have you looked
over pkgd, from Xyne [1]? It does what you want and even more
transparently. I never used it, because I don't need, but it's one of
those things I would love to have a need :) The documentation is so
tempting, with that big blue graph... (nerd pr0n at its best...)

[1] http://xyne.archlinux.ca/projects/pkgd/

A: Because it obfuscates the reading.
Q: Why is top posting so bad?

Denis A. Altoe Falqueto
Linux user #524555

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