On 29.11.2010 10:21, Jan de Groot wrote:
On Mon, 2010-11-29 at 10:09 +0100, Philipp Überbacher wrote:
I guess I am one of those pulse-haters. I don't care whether it's in
[extra], some other official repo or not since I simply don't need it.
But now mplayer pulls in libpulse, and I have no idea which consequences
this could have. I don't see why I need to have libs for a
soundserver that I have no use for floating around on my machine. It is
at best unnecessary and does nothing, at worst.. I don't know. I hope I
don't need to install GNOME to turn it off or something.. (gconf and
If you don't want that tiny lib on your system, be my guest, recompile
all your mediaplayers to get rid of all those optional codecs for media
you don't use. Those are useless libs too, but somehow nobody complains
about that.

We should not forget to mention all this plagued ati and intel mplayer users, who are beeing forced to carry the burden of having libvdpau on their systems! Have not heard so much complaing about that so far ...

Cheers, Ulf

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