On 26.11.2010 21:34, Jan Steffens wrote:
I've put PulseAudio into [testing] some time ago, but received no
feedback on this.

This either means it works well, or nobody uses it.

So I'm asking for it now, especially from GNOME and KDE users running

Works great for me on gnome with pulseaudio setup. Only software left I use that needs to be recompiled is mplayer. But that should obviously be discussed here: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/21832

a little offtopic:
There is lots of hatred of pulseaduio. Many peoble are claim that it doesn't work at all. I have seen some setups of various distributions with pulse in the recent year and there has been only been one real problem: passthrough.... and thats it. Except for that anything just worked with pulse enabled apps and with minor issues on alsa-apps.

Cheers, Ulf

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