On 14/11/10 03:23, C Anthony Risinger wrote:
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 12:35 AM, Ray Rashif<sc...@archlinux.org>  wrote:

PKGBUILDs don't get multiple commits by multiple
contributors to the extent software projects do, where GIT would make

they will in time my friend, if i get my way :-) this is a goal i am
actively pursuing.  git makes sense in all capacities; you don't need
to be a kernel or display server to realize the extent it can simplify
your development life.  i use it every day.  it rocks.

We have massive git proponents on the development team and even they admit that SVN fits our needs for package management far better than git.

The major issue is checking out an individual folder/package which is very annoying to do in git. Yes, I know it can be done in some hackish way, but with SVN that works out of the box. Or we could take the Fedora approach of one repo per package (lets just say no to that...).

Also, we do not need "fancy" stuff like branching and hooks etc. The current system works very well. We would need some major motivation to switch and there is nothing that even makes me remotely think a switch is worth it.


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