
        I'm using yum-createrepo 0.9.8-3 on from AUR and suddenly my createrepo 
on my Arch server are failing with the following error:

23:22 nirvana:/home/backup/rpms> sudo createrepo --update -d openSUSE_11.3/
  File "/usr/share/createrepo/", line 189
    print thing
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

        Nothing with createrepo has changed, could this be a python/python2 
bug? I have
both the following installed:

python 3.1.2-2
python2 2.7-3

        Should I have both installed? I've also posted to the rpm-metadata list 
to see
if they have identified an issue with the script. The relevant
lines in the python script are:

class MDCallBack(object):
    """cli callback object for createrepo"""
    def errorlog(self, thing):
        """error log output"""
        print >> sys.stderr, thing

    def log(self, thing):
        """log output"""
        print thing

    def progress(self, item, current, total):
        """progress bar"""
        beg = "%*d/%d - " % (len(str(total)), current, total)
        left = 80 - len(beg)
        sys.stdout.write("\r%s%-*.*s" % (beg, left, left, item))

    Which since I don't know python -- it might as well be Greek. But from the
error, I can tell it chokes on the line "print thing"... whatever that thing is.

    Anybody have any info on any problems caused by recent python changes?

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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