Am 09.11.2010 14:55, schrieb Gerhard Brauer:
> Hi,

Hi Gerhard, it is nice to hear from you after such a long time :)

> our current default wireless framework in base /e/rc.d/network
> script is iwconfig (Open/WEP only). I like to integrate
> wpa_supplicant as easy as we could use iwconfig ATM.

No further enhancements will be made to rc.d/network. I am planning to
remove everything but the base wired (LAN) support from it, but didn't
do so for lack of time.

All existing features should be ported to netcfg, and new features will
only be added there. Again, lack of time prevents me from doing that too
- but it's the plan.

If anyone wants to move Arch Linux networking support forward, clone
netcfg.git, enhance bridging support, add bonding support, or whatever
is needed. Then put it online (github or whatever) and send pull requests.

Back to the topic of wireless: netcfg's net-auto-wireless mode is my
favorite and works perfectly for me.

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