At Montag, 25. Oktober 2010 22:24 Ionuț Bîru wrote: > maybe you misunderstood me or i suck at explanations. Not all cards are > affected and even the same chipsets. In some situations, no idea what > are those, the new nvidia driver doesn't work. > > for example there is one guy with sony vaio laptop in the forum which > has 8400 GT and has black screen. Others that have 84000 GT doesn't have > this issue
Okay, if this is the hardware than the only thing what i can help is to say that this cards makes no problem for me: 6200, 7600GS, G210 and GT220. But this is not good because the 8400 is a nice card und should be supported from nvidia in a better way. > i'm too lazy to search for black screen now but is not on the front page > as this issue was reported since the beta I was hoping you have the link because for using the search function of the nv forum i even have to search my glasses.-) See you, Attila