On 4 October 2010 18:35, Christian <christia...@runbox.com> wrote: > Hello, > > > On 2010-10-04 at 17:34 Guillaume ALAUX wrote: > >>On 4 October 2010 17:15, Christian <christia...@runbox.com> wrote: >>> Hi all, >>> I had to do a reinstall of my machine so I did that and for some reason, >>Gnome doesn't start proprely. I am visually impaired so I can't see the >>screen until I have logged into Gnome and started Orca, the screen reader >>for Gnome. >>> Here is what I do. >>> pacman -S xorg xf86-video-ati xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse gnome >>gnome-extra gnome-system-tools >>> Then I did: >>> pacman -S gamin >>> pacman -S gdm >>> I have however got a protocol error so I had to restart some of the >>downloads above, but will pacman check the packages so that they are >>completely downloaded? >>> Anyway, I then did: >>> /etc/rc.d/hal start >>> /etc/rc.d/gdm start and I did all of this as root. >>> Then I can read that the screen goes into the graphical environment >>since BRLTTY and Speakup, the console screen readers tell me that. >>> I wait for about 30 seconds before I login as my user but nothing >>happens when I press enter after I have entered my password. >>> Have I missed something? >>> This is like I did before. >>> I have added my user to the video group as well as the others >>recommended on the beginners guide. >>> Any thoughts? >>> Many thanks, >>> Christian >>> >>> >> >>> will pacman check the packages so that they are completely downloaded? >>Yes pacman checks md5sums >> >>I don't know if this is related but I noticed since the last gnome >>update that when gdm displays the list of usernames, you can't select >>the first one by just pressing enter. That used to work and was very >>handy cause you didn't have to grab the mouse : wait for gdm to start >>then press enter, the password, enter again and there you were. Maybe >>you are just stuck at the user list ?! >> >>-- >>Guillaume > > Yes, that's maybe correct. Since I am th eonly user how do I select the only > user, I can't just press enter twice and then enter my password? > I will try also the auto logon thing. > Many thanks, > Christian > >
On my other Arch I have a GDM panel configuration that I can get through the gnome-control-center and that enables you to automatically login with a user (I can't figure out where I got it and it's not installed on this one here). Maybe it can select a login name to. I think that is pretty much what Paulo explained on a previous email but the "CLI way".