Fair enough.  I was trying to think if there's a cleaner way of
avoiding breakage.

I found http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=15982 which seems to
provide some sanity.

I was trying to think if there's anything, as a packager, that I could
do to prevent or mitigate  dll hell (.so hell? )


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Florian Pritz
<bluew...@server-speed.net> wrote:
> On 28.09.2010 17:39, Samir wrote:
>> Now, to be fair.. mplayer probably should have been linked against
>> libx264.so rather then libx264.so.104 (-git package provides a
>> libx264.so.105).
> Normally that number only changes if the libraries aren't compatible
> anymore. That means mplayer might break completely or behave strange if
> you mess with that.
> Linking to libx264.so would be the same as creating a symlink from 104
> to 105 btw.
> --
> Florian Pritz -- {flo,bluewi...@server-speed.net

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