On 09/23/2010 05:47 PM, C Anthony Risinger wrote:
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Nilesh Govindarajan<li...@itech7.com> wrote:
No more experienced btrfs people here?
@shridhar, from your btrfs experience, it seems it's worth a try,
waiting for more positive feedbacks.
ive had it as / on my laptop since .31 without issue. my fiance has
it as / on her netbook/ssd for about 6mo, also without issue (and it
is very performant)
I've been using btrfs for ~6 months on my laptop on / and /home (same
partition, home being a subvol). It survived several unclean shutdowns
without any problem.
But I just went back to ext3 some days ago, even with noatime btrfs
seemed rather slow. I also suspect btrfs was waking up the disk pretty
often (at least thats what lm-profiler told me).
Its a pity, but someday I will try it again.