Dne Čt 16. září 2010 06:27:23 Joe(theWordy)Philbrook napsal(a): > ... > There is a possibility that I could take a page from the workaround I did > for E16 which being more WM than DE doesn't have a native screen resolution > setting tool, and put "xrandr -s 3" in the file that gets copied to > ~/.xinitrc when I select e16 from my startx wrapper script. But since E17 > DOES have an internal control for screen resolution, I expect that it will > simply reset it back to it's default 1024x768 setting upon startup. <sigh> > > I'll followup to this thread if one of AUR's themes works for me. > -or- > if e17 respects "xrandr" resolution settings...
This reminds me I did change screen resolution via an autorun script on E17 some time ago (when E17's resolution control showed only the default screen resolution). I can't find the script now, but simply running "xrandr -s 1024x768" from terminal inside od E17 changes the resolution correctly. Running just "xrandr" should give you the list of supported resolution, if the desired one is not listed you have to add a modeline. When you have the correct xrandr call(s) tested, you can automate it by creating say change-resolution.sh (should go in your PATH I think): #!/bin/sh xrandr -s ... which you then set up to autorun in control center -- aplications -- aplication on start (hope I translated it correctly from my localization). Regards, Nicky -- Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone (Joni Mitchell)