Hello all, A short while ago, I posted this topic: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=104651
Through here, I'm hoping to reach some more willing archers to assist in the updating of some keystone wiki articles. The bullet points: the changes that accompanied xorg 1.8.x have not been reflected in several important articles on the wiki: 1. The Beginner's Guide, specifically this section: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beginners'_Guide#Step_2:_Install_X 2. The evdev article, specifically all mentioning of HAL policies (which are ignored as of 1.8.x: http://www.archlinux.org/news/502/) and the possible merge with the xorg article 3. in a less important way: Nvidia, ATI and the Synaptics article (which I am rewriting currently) The discussion page for the BG is filled with good intent since december 2009, as is the topic on the forums... But fact remains that the documentation is falling behind. I'm hoping to motivate one or several to help out in having a good look around our wiki so that we may keep our documentation on this as bleeding edge as our OS :) Out with the old, in with the new and all that. -Stefan p.s. of course these are suggestions, if any here has a better approach please do reply