On 28/08/10 11:45, Johannes Held wrote:
> José M. Prieto <jmpri...@gmx.net>:
>> Git is very powerful, but not the easier one to use. I'd suggest darcs
>> or mercurial better.
> I used Darcs for a while and I liked its "theory of patches". But at some 
> point
> I was just fed up with having to decide about every line I changed.

You need to learn of the '-a' argument for 'darcs record' :-)

> With Git, I can stage selected changes and subsequently commit them, while in
> Mercurial I have not found any comparable feature.

True, but I still don't quite understand the point of the staging area.
never found a good use for it.  In short, I don't think the staging area is
the feature that makes git a better option than Mercurial :-)

For Mercurial you have patch queues which you can use in a way that
allows you
to do stuff similarly to the staging area of git.


Magnus Therning                        (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
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