Excerpts from David C. Rankin's message of 2010-02-26 08:50:59 +0100:
> Listmates,
>     I stumbled across some absolutely killer gtk-2.0 & metacity themes that 
> caught
> my eye. If you use gnome, Xfce, etc.., give them a try and I guarantee you, 
> you
> will be blown away. They are available at gnome-look or Xfce-look.org sites or
> by googling the theme name. Most also come with an emerald theme as well as 
> part
> of the package. Here is the short list:
> **  Abstract-DarkGlow
>     Aero-ion3.1
>     Black Plastic V.2
> **  Blue-Joy
>     Correcamins
>     DarkVision
>     DiMurrineGTK
>     Dust (Dust Burnt, and the rest of the Dust ... themes)
>     Elegant Aurora (and the other Elegant....)
>     Glow Fire (Lava, Flower, Cinder ...)
>     Harvest
>     Industrial-Glacier (GONYX, Lighthouse, Charcoal, Zeta, ...)
>     Moomex
>     Nova-Blue (Gold, etc...)
>     Overglossed
>     Oxygen-Molecule
>     River
>     Shifte_Black
>     ShinyBlack
>     Silence
> **  SlicknesS-black
>     SphereCrystal
>     Tenebrific-BlueMods
>     Vision
>     Xfce-cadmium (many of the Xfce themes also have matching gtk themes)
>     Zniavre
> ** (top 3 for me - the rest are a close 4th)
>     And the screenshot giving an example of Blue-Joy and SlicknesS-black:
>   (86k)
>     http://www.3111skyline.com/dl/ss/gnome/gnome-bling.jpg

I tried the favorites there, but wasn't blown away. Basically all of
them have usability issues.
However, I had a look today and found one I really like. The only issue
I found with it so far is minor (active tab in firefox could be better
visible). Thought I let you know.


I use WaspLogin (this variant has dark background in filemanagers) with
some GNOME icons now, and really love it.


"Wir stehen selbst enttäuscht und sehn betroffen / Den Vorhang zu
und alle Fragen offen." Bertolt Brecht, Der gute Mensch von Sezuan

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