I uploaded my Arch box this morning, and my wireless card doesn't work
anymore. I had to install this AUR package [1] to get it working with prior
kernel versions. When I ran lsmod | grep r8192, I realised that the module
isn't being loaded. But it makes no difference to run modprobe r8192e_pci
--- ifconfig -a won't show any wireless extentions.

Does anybody have this issue? I browsed the forum and the bug tracker and
found nothing about it. Unfortunatelly I ran pacman -Scc yesterday, so I
can't downgrade!

I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear but I'm such a hurry I can't even
think clearly. Thank you all.

[1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=34281

Rafael Beraldo

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