Excerpts from Alexander Duscheleit's message of 2010-08-18 04:07:23 +0200:
> Hi,
> since I upgraded to pacman 3.4.0 I notice a strange behavior in the way
> pacman integrates with my local mirror server. First, pacman opens a new
> ftp connection for every download, which spams the logs a lot. Second,
> pacman doesn't seem to close those connections either at all, or at
> least not in a timely fashion. This results in pacman not being able to
> download more than a hand full of packages before my ftp won't let it
> connect anymore. The server-log says:
> Aug 18 00:42:38 titan proftpd[4666]: titan.huntemann.uni-oldenburg.de -
> MaxInstances (30) reached, new connection denied
> over and over while pacman switches to the next mirror for every
> download.
> The pacman frontend clyde exhibits the same behavior, so I suspect the
> culprit is somewhere in libalpm. Pacman prior to 3.4.0 did not show
> this behavior and all downloads worked fine.
> Greetings,
>     Alex

Hmm, this could be the reason for the behavior I experience recently.
Every time I update a couple of packages it fails to download all of
them. If I try again and again it works. I thought it was due to
improperly synced mirrors, but it happens far too frequently.
Just now it downloaded 4 packages. In the subsequent run four more, and
so on.

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und alle Fragen offen." Bertolt Brecht, Der gute Mensch von Sezuan

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