On 08/17/2010 09:45 AM, David C. Rankin wrote:
I must have missed a note advising that the kdemod-legacy repo was
removed from the pacman repos. Every time I update I get the following

error: failed retrieving file 'kdemod-legacy.db.tar.gz' from
chakra-project.org : Not Found
error: failed to update kdemod-legacy (Not Found)

So is it true? Is it gone for good? If so, it would be a sad epitaph on
the desktops head-stone. ("Killed at its prime")

Currently,(at least before 2 days ago) kdemod-legacy installed perfectly
with the only updates required being libjpeg, libpng and poppler-qt3 -
all available at AUR and with it taking less than 1.7G of static space
on a drive, seems like it would make Arch a much more robust distro to
continue the offering and list is as an asset rather than having an
empty check mark in the "KDE3 available" column.

What's the scoop?
I don't know the official scoop.  But I saw this happen the other day 
too, and after poking around I discovered that the mirror I use (RIT) 
had the packages in an "archives" directory:
Server = http://mirror.rit.edu/kdemod/archive/kdemod-legacy/x86_64

That said, though, I think it's fair to say that you shouldn't count on these KDE3 packages being around - or working - for much longer. (Unless the Trinity project starts to make significant progress / traction soon.)


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