>  Do you mean that has increased fan-noise from an earlier 2.6.34
> release? is not the same as 2.6.35.* but may have some of the same
> patches...
> -Isaac

Hi Isaac,

exactly, fan-noise is louder now.
Far beyond, If you listen my PC's case you will hear how, from time to time
(cyclically), powersurge or fan, I don't know exactly which one, seems to
throttle skyrocketer making the whole cabinet even vibrate in some cases for
a few seconds untils it calms down again.
I have the case open (both sides) so I discard a heating problem and PC is
connected to a UPS so there shoudn't be any voltage/line problems, but the
best thing is if I switch my kernel to 2.6.33.something this wont happen -
and actually *didn't happened* with that kernel but do happened with .31 or
.32 I think.

I never posted about this because I wanted to check deeper if there was
something wrong with my [new and clean-out-of-dirt] box, but since other
users are reporting same issues there just may be a kernel problem.


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