> Yes sure i believe it works, my concerns
> are more that the main tools just don't support it, which makes it imho more
> complicated to implement the installation support.

So here is what I needed to mess with to get it working:

"Version 2 of the filesystem, known as NILFS2, is included in Linux
kernel 2.6.30."
Works out of the box with the most recent arch kernel.

I just added: MODULES="nilfs2"
I wonder if this is something that can be easily added to the filesystems hook.

kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda3 ro rootfstype=nilfs2
AIF would need to take this into account, but seems easy enough.

I provided a patch here: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/20260

No other troubles as far as I know. Is there anything I'm missing?

Let me know where I can help, this is an awesome filesystem. Blazing
fast and when I delete or overwrite things on accident, it's so cool
to just mount a snapshot from like an hour ago without having to set
anything up in advance, and without even unmounting my root fs.


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