Hi, strange thing, but on my systems all aliases etc. are working very well in gnome-terminal. I don't know about any own configuration stuff for gnome-terminal except for the font size etc.

Am 08.07.2010, 16:47 Uhr, schrieb <aerospace1...@hotmail.com>:

I noticed the other day that some of the settings I configured in my ~/.bash_profile aren't implimented when using the gnome-termianl. For the most-part, it's not too big a deal; some of it just aliases system admin stuff that I do from the text consoles (tty1-6) anyhow.

Just for curiousity, i poked around the wiki and the various settings areas on my computer (/etc, /usr/share and such) trying to find if the gnome-terminal had it's own set of configuration files. Does anybody know where i should look to find howto customize the start-up behavior for gnome-terminal? Also, is it normal for gnome-terminal to not read ~/.bash_profile, even if the default shell is bash?

thank you:-)                                    
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