On Jun 29, 2010, at 9:27 AM, Dan McGee <dpmc...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 8:20 AM, Victor Lowther
<victor.lowt...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jun 29, 2010, at 5:55 AM, solsTiCe d'Hiver <solstice.dhi...@gmail.com >

Le lundi 28 juin 2010 à 17:55 +0200, Lukáš Jirkovský a écrit :

Actually I see the point of doing this. Arch is a modern distribution
with the newest software around so why stuck with shell constructs
which are probably dozens of years old?


Yes. I definitely agree. We have to pray that a dev is interested in the
patch now ;-)

Thomas seemed moderatly interested.

You last commit that is supposed to fix whitespace mess in fact create a
mess with whitespace. Also it changes all the modelines for vim:
for example from
# vim: set ft=sh sw=2 ts=2 et:
# vim: set ft=sh sw=4 ts=4 et:

When it comes to whitespace, I do whatever indent-region and
whitespace-cleanup tell me to.

Which is change the modelines? No thanks.


I know we are getting into holy war territory here, but:

Overall, they are sane, except for using tabs vs. spaces (at least with spaces it is never ambiguous how far you wanted a given indent to be in a world where tab does not always map to a set number of spaces), and 8 character indentation (leads to excessive horizontal scrolling in any moderatly complex nested flow control situation. I prefer 4 space indentation, it tends to align nicely with most flow control statements), and using the source keyword instead of . to source files (personal preference from also maintaining a package written in posix sh).

We might want to steal some content from http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/Practices to update the Arch bash coding page.


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