I don't know if here is a right place to reply.
I am keeping both kernel26 and kernel26zen-git in my system.
The kernel26zen-git depends on kernel26-firmware and so as kernel26-ck.
I know that both of them are in the aur, however, it is very hard to update
because maybe I need to re-build kernel26zen-git due to a PKGBUILD change?
Is there any other methods to do this?

If this email causes any inconvenience, I apologize for it.

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 8:03 PM, Thomas Bächler <tho...@archlinux.org>wrote:

> This release will be moved to core after signoff, together with
> linux-firmware, initscripts, udev and mkinitcpio. Changes compared to -1:
> Remove kernel26-firmware package, it is replaced by linux-firmware
> added new tcp options FS#19604 (tpowa)
> Enable devtmpfs
> Add makedepends to build kernel26-{manpages,docs} properly
> Fix makepkg -R
> Please sign off.

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