Am 13.06.2010 02:06, schrieb Alexander Duscheleit:
> On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 01:19:02 +0200
> Thomas Bächler <> wrote:
>> Am 13.06.2010 00:57, schrieb Alexander Duscheleit:
>>> I've already filed a bug as FS#19780 to the community project, but
>>> given the severity I thought it would be wise to alert a wider
>>> audience.
>> Maybe you should post to the right list then.
> Isn't that what I did? From the Arch Linux related lists, this one
> seemed the most appropriate I have post access to. Aur-general doesn't
> apply, dev-public is read-only, all others don't fit the topic and
> there is no -security. So which Arch list would have been better?

aur-general is where all issues concerning community packages can be
discussed with the TUs, and it is the only list where every single TU is

If you didn't notice, I already cross-posted my last reply to
aur-general with a full-quote.

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