2010/6/3 Keith Hinton <keithint1...@gmail.com>: > Hi, > Why is it that Arch seems to take longer than say other distros such as > Ubuntu, Debian, etc, to support newer versions of Xorg and Gnome? I was > curious about that process. > While Debian/Ubuntu/etc distros seem to be supporting the Gnome desktop just > fine, it appears that others most noticeably that of Gentoo and other such > similar distros, mask or test out Gnome/Xorg, rather than releasing it strate > away into say in Arches case, the extra/core repos. > I had another question, relating to that of Arch, some webpages I have found > compare Arch to Debian Cid/Unstable. How true is this, and exactly in what > way is Arch Linux itself, like that of Debian Cid? Thanks! > Regards, --Keith > Skype: skypedude1234 > MSN Messenger: > keithin...@hotmail.com > Yahoo messenger /AIM: > keithint1234 >
Arch was the fastest distro releasing Gnome 2.30.