5-10% that too if you compile lots of stuff. otherwise for browsing
and all no noticeable increase.

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 9:12 PM, Nilesh Govindarajan <li...@itech7.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Madhurya Kakati <mkakati2...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Gaurish Sharma
>> <cont...@gaurishsharma.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Nilesh,
>>> I would suggest you to stay on 32bit arch untill you are ready to migrate.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gaurish Sharma
>>> www.gaurishsharma.com
>> ^+1 you wont get much performance improvements by using a 64 bit os.
>> but if u have 4gb or more ram then u should use 64 bit to fully
>> utilize it.
> I have 1gb RAM. Can you give an approximate % increase in performance
> if I switch to 64 ?
> --
> Nilesh Govindarajan
> Facebook: nilesh.gr
> Twitter: nileshgr
> Website: www.itech7.com

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