On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 2:10 AM, Ionut Biru <biru.io...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 05/27/2010 11:22 PM, Keith Hinton wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The subject should spell it out, but what I'm wondering is if there is any
>> way to force Arch to not probe for say eth0 when eth1 is prefered over eth0
>> and such?
>> Thanks for any help on that question!
>> Basically eth0 is my laptop's ethernet card, while eth1 is the wireless
>> card. While the wireless card is used specifically for Internet connection,
>> the wired is never used at all. I have my laptop configured through the use
>> of netCFG to handle the wireless to make it a bit faster to configure. While
>> that is the case, I would prefer that only that eth1 is used, and would like
>> to see eht0 disappear totally from the list of detected network interfaces
>> if Arches kernel is flexible enough to do this.
>> If anyone could get back to me I would appreciate it very much.
> you can disable it from rc.conf by adding a ! in front of eth0 like this:
> INTERFACES=(!eth0 eth1)
> --
> Ionut

Agreed you don't use the device, but its weird disabling that. I
wouldn't do that. Just ignore it. You never know which thing will come
to use when.

PS: No offence meant.

Nilesh Govindarajan
Facebook: nilesh.gr
Twitter: nileshgr
Website: www.itech7.com

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