On 26/05/10 16:59, Joerg Schilling wrote:
Mauro Santos<registo.maill...@gmail.com>  wrote:
"Because I say so" is not a valid backup for your claims, Earth used to
be flat and the center of the universe because the "experts" of that
time "said so". This behavior gets people mad at you and invariably
Good point!

Since more than 3000 years men know that Earth is a spehere (from watching
ships that appear on the horizon with their sails first).

Since aprox. 2200 years men know the diameter of Earth with an error of 8%.

Later, some "religuous" crowd came up and claimed that Earth is flat.

I encourage you to just ignore those people who claim that Earth is flat and
that there is a supposed legal problem with cdrtools.


lol, you're obviously a troll...

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